The discipline of critical care pharmacy practice evolved over the past 25 years to become an essential component of the multidisciplinary team in the intensive care unit (ICU).

CRITICAL CARE PHARMACIST Participates in ward rounds as a member of the multidisciplinary critical care team to provide pharmacotherapeutic management for all ICU patients, Performs medication history taking and medication reconciliation reviews to determine which maintenance drugs should be continued during the acute illness Prospectively evaluates all drug therapy for appropriate indications, dosage, drug interactions and drug allergies, Monitors the patient’s pharmacotherapeutic regimen for effectiveness and adverse drug reactions (ADR) and intervenes as needed, Evaluates all orders for parenteral nutrition and recommends modifications as indicated to optimize the nutritional regimen & Identifies ADR and assists in their management and prevention and develops process improvements to reduce drug errors.

The program is basically designed to meet the required knowledge and clinical skills to pass the board exam of the critical care and become board-certified critical care pharmacist (BCCCP)